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A Day with The Chairman of the Board of TENEF: A Celebration of Volunteers’ Dedication


In a heartwarming event that resonated with gratitude and motivation, Chairman TENEF Board of Trustee, Pastor Ini Nwoko recently graced Nigeria with his presence to share a luncheon with the dedicated volunteers who make a positive difference in our community. This occasion not only brought together volunteers from diverse backgrounds but also reaffirmed the power of collective efforts in fostering positive change.

Honoring Our Volunteers
The luncheon was a gesture of appreciation and recognition for the unsung heroes who selflessly give their time, energy, and skills to support various initiatives championed by TENEF. These volunteers are the backbone of our community-driven efforts.

The Chairman’s Inspiring Message
During the luncheon, The Chairman delivered an inspiring message that resonated deeply with all attendees. He acknowledged the invaluable contributions of the volunteers and stressed the importance of their continued dedication. His words echoed the sentiment that, together, we can achieve remarkable feats.

Encouragement for the Future
The Chairman encouraged the volunteers to aspire for even greater impact in the days ahead. He highlighted the potential for growth and urged everyone to aim higher in their endeavors. The Chairman’s words were not just motivation; they were a call to action, reminding us that there is always more we can do to make our world a better place.
Beyond the words of appreciation and encouragement, the luncheon provided an opportunity for volunteers to connect with each other, share their experiences, and build a sense of community. The bonds forged during this gathering will undoubtedly strengthen the collaborative spirit of our volunteer network.

Pastor Ini Nwoko’s visit to Nigeria and the luncheon with volunteers was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in attendance. It showcased the significance of recognizing and celebrating the efforts of those who work tirelessly to bring about positive change in our society.
As we move forward, inspired by Chairman’s words, let us remember that the impact of our collective actions can be profound.

Together, we can accomplish great things and continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

Stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing initiatives and the incredible work of our volunteers. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to the TENEF cause.

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